
Who are the Deadly Strangers?

Explore the intriguing individuals known as "Deadly Strangers,” a title bestowed upon those seemingly immortal and formidable individuals on Bantam.

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The Deadly Strangers

TSP Logbook, Entry 1.10

Current As Of: 27JUL2023

People: The Deadly Strangers

Other than nomads, transporters, criminals, storm chasers, and the odd traveling merchant or entertainer, I’ve noticed that most Citizens of Midland remain fairly stationary. As a Citizen under the sovereign rule of the Industrial League, one is taught that the ultimate form of life is that of endless toil, pouring one’s lifeforce into work. Labor is tantamount and is perceived to be directly equal to the measure of one’s own worth. Vacation and venture is not sought after as it distracts and detracts from the time that can be spent working.

The Legend of Deadly Strangers

I’ve noticed that, due to lack of migration, most folks within specific areas get to know each other well. Therefore, newcomers typically raise either widespread concern or curiousity amongst locals. Newcomers are given many different nicknames by onlookers, but there is one nickname that rises above all others: Deadly Stranger. Deadly Strangers are known to be exactly as their name describes, a seemingly lethal or powerful persona-unknown. It is a nickname that brings great pride to those who bear it and one that is not carried lightly. Locals observe Deadly Strangers with a keen eye, each act of significance earning them more Notoriety.

The Resilience of Deadly Strangers

There’s one kicker to the nickname that makes it impossible to attain for most folks: Deadly Strangers are seemingly unable to die. They are not entirely immortal, as one can never confirm immortality fully, but these rugged individuals can survive anything the planet can throw at them. This phenomenon is even more impressive considering all organisms on Bantam are already leagues sturdier than those of Earth Realm. For these individuals to be even more resilient than the Bantam average is staggering. However, their perceived immortality does not prevent them from being wounded, even critically. They can receive enough damage to cause them to Faint, at which point they are carried under the dirt by Pillar TAU, as are all others after death. The only difference is that Deadly Strangers are returned from the soil and typically at places of healing. Their ability to come back time and time again give them an unparalleled level of grit and tenacity.

The Pioneering Deadly Strangers We've Encountered

As of the time of this entry’s writing, the only individuals I’ve personally witnessed to bear the nickname of Deadly Stranger are four individuals located in Gallow Springs. From what I’ve heard, there are others with the coveted moniker, but all of which I’ve yet to see. The four individuals go by the names Levi Mercer, Mika Mankiller, Jericho Jones, and Hannah Wilde. With each passing week turning into passing months, I continue to hear of the daring undertakings of the quarrelsome quartet. They’ve effectively cleared most of the Gunmen and Predators that lurk in the lands surrounding the small frontier town, and they’ve proven to be one-man and one-woman machines of industry. They are Endeavoring and harvesting the local resources at an unprecedented rate, and even building multiple Cabins in scattered throughout the frontier.

I am in awe of what these Deadly Strangers are capable. The tales that circulate the town of Gallow Springs of their guts and cunning are enough to stagger even the toughest outlaw or lawman. I will continue to observe them and record entries more specific to each individual as I uncover more information.

To whoever may be reading this…

Wish You Were Here!

TSP Logbook, End of Entry 1.10

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